Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's My Birthday!

By Jesse Marie Scott Spencer
O…M…G…!! Thank you so much to everyone who has sent so many presents. How cool are you. Noel went to the post office yesterday, and there was a tin FILLED with maple fudge!  That's totes my fave!

 There was also a box PACKED with muffins, cupcakes and donuts. It was such a pleasant surprise when he came home yesterday, but today there was even more. I got loads of candy, cookies, all sorts of baked goods. Someone even sent a cake! It really was too much. 

Sometimes I miss getting out to see people, but then I realize how many people out there read this blog and care about us. It’s really amazing. The fact that people I barely know and in most cases have never met in person send me such thoughtful, loving presents for lil ole me… Gosh, I just can’t express how full it makes me feel.

Speaking of full, last night Noel fed me each piece of fudge until my tummy couldn’t hold any more. We got romantic and celebrated my birthday at midnight…
It was fabulous!

There’s no better gift than getting food to play with. I love playing with my food. That’s what I call a birthday present.

Shout out to the sweet thangs who sent the sweet thangs: Max, Peter, George, Saul, Michele, José, Suzanne, Fitz, Dot, Dave, Bruce and Alex

I hope there’s more where this came from! Mwwwwah! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Machine Me

By Noel Spencer

We told you we were going to do it, and today is the day we debut our new video with our made on our new video camera.

The link to the new video MACHINE ME is in the side bar. Have you seen the documentary SUPERSIZE ME? This is our answer to it. Enjoy.

Click HERE to buy MACHINE ME! ONLY $30!

Oh, yeah, and for those of you who don’t know – it’s Jesse’s birthday on June 14th. Give her some birthday love next week!